We know you have a problem with getting up in the morning , and we
want to change it! . Puzzle Alarm Clock will check if you are awake enough
before you are allowed to turn off alarms < / b>
< / b>
< / b>
functions Puzzle alarm clock :
- Disable clock with an NFC tag and QR code
- random puzzles every waking ( math equation , memory cards, captcha , models) , up to 5 puzzles to solve in a row,
- Puzzle 3 difficulty levels,
- Check if you really awake
- Definition of an application to be launched after an alarm clock,
- noise loud explosion ( amazing effect with external speakers )
- 3 soothing melodies for fresh alarm clock,
- increasing alarm volume ,
- "It's time for bed " notifications before the next scheduled alarm,
- next alarm " notifications before the next scheduled alarm,
- . recurrent and multiple awakenings
permissions explained
send SMS messages
- to send SMS to an emergency contact in case you do not turn off the alarm time
read your contacts
- same as above
find accounts on the device
- to check previous purchases and unlock the free version of ad
<- ! adsense -> take pictures and videos
- to read a QR code to disable alarms
read phone state and identity
- to avoid problems when an alarm is disturbed by an incoming call ( we defer alarm for 5 minutes in this case)
full network access
- to display ads and checking previous purchases
Google Play billing service
- to purchase the ad-free version
control near Field Communication
- for scanning NFC tags to disable alarms
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage device
- of put our alarm ringtones in the phone memory
disable your lock screen
< / b>
https://play. google com / store / apps / details id = com.wroclawstudio.puzzlealarmclock
functions Puzzle alarm clock :
- Disable clock with an NFC tag and QR code
- random puzzles every waking ( math equation , memory cards, captcha , models) , up to 5 puzzles to solve in a row,
- Puzzle 3 difficulty levels,
- Check if you really awake
- Definition of an application to be launched after an alarm clock,
- noise loud explosion ( amazing effect with external speakers )
- 3 soothing melodies for fresh alarm clock,
- increasing alarm volume ,
- "It's time for bed " notifications before the next scheduled alarm,
- next alarm " notifications before the next scheduled alarm,
- . recurrent and multiple awakenings
permissions explained
send SMS messages
- to send SMS to an emergency contact in case you do not turn off the alarm time
read your contacts
- same as above
find accounts on the device
- to check previous purchases and unlock the free version of ad
<- ! adsense -> take pictures and videos
- to read a QR code to disable alarms
read phone state and identity
- to avoid problems when an alarm is disturbed by an incoming call ( we defer alarm for 5 minutes in this case)
full network access
- to display ads and checking previous purchases
Google Play billing service
- to purchase the ad-free version
control near Field Communication
- for scanning NFC tags to disable alarms
modify or delete the contents of your USB storage device
- of put our alarm ringtones in the phone memory
disable your lock screen
< / b>
https://play. google com / store / apps / details id = com.wroclawstudio.puzzlealarmclock
. ?
<- APK_Self_Res -> < class = ins ! "" Style = " adsbygoogle of
display: block " data -ad -client = " ca - pub - 4229110087938482 " ad -
data slot = " 2460491052 " data -ad- format = "auto" >
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