Monday, April 21, 2014

Equalizer Pro (Music Player) v0.9 (Unlocked - patched )

Discover Equalizer Pro , the Premium version the new standard music player , equalizer ! A must have for music
Equalizer Pro (Music Player) v0.9 (Unlocked - patched )
Equalizer + Pro (Music Player)
natively premium version includes:
- Bass Boost : to increase the volume of your bass like never before
- "SAVE" option to save your custom presets frequency
- ability to edit and / or delete your presets
- " FADE " to ensure a smooth chain of music
- option" DualScreen " to see your equalizer on a second screen

general characteristics:
-5 band equalizer (from low to acute )
audio player (available directly in the application)
- unlimited access to your music library Aboriginal (you can order by album / title / artist or playlist )
- Background playback ( to continue playing your songs while you check other applications or when your device is in stand -by) Music
research available
-10 equalizer presets based on different genres of music
- Double -click the option to quickly and easily reset the volume of frequency filters
- Visible progress bar music
- 3 button status "Repeat "function to keep listening to your songs over and over again ( : repeat one song , repeat all playlist, repeat not )
- the" Shuffle "function: play your songs in random order
- Digital volume control Bass
raw and refined / > - Professional
- simple and friendly
- Visualizer window animation audio spectrum is provided with the application (as the old Windows Media Player). You can display the viewer in full screen mode
exclusive options to discover .
- VISUALIZER to give birth to your sound : Observe the movement of sound directly from your mobile the way it used to Windows Media Player
Boost and improve your quality and volume through the equalizer ! Equalizer is both a drive track of the music and a frequency equalizer .
<- ! adsense - > Access to your own music library directly from the application . Adjust the frequencies you like for your songs and save your presets. The equalizer lets you control five different frequencies in the band . Set each filter to bring out the best in your music . More filters frequencies mow , you will be able to amplify more bass sounds with the Bass Booster option . Finally, you will be able to view your sound with a spectrum analyzer , available directly from the application .
Rediscover your music with the new application of the equalizer ! Plug your headphones or speakers turn on and listen to your songs as if you were in a studio. Enjoy volume at its best! There is nothing like a good equalizer to boost your parties or just enhance your experience of listening to music
https://play. . ? Google com / store / apps / details id = com.djit.equalizerplusforandroidpro
nobody . All features unlocked < / i> < / b>
<- apk_responsive_manual -> < ins class = " adsbygoogle " style = "display: block" data- ad - client = "ca - pub - 4229110087938482 " data - ad - slot = " 2460491052 " data -ad- format = "auto" >


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