Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ten virtuous studio v3.6.30.14100 Cracked

Virtuous Ten Studio v3.6.30.14100 Cracked
Requirements: Windows Vista and NET Framework 4.5 , the latest version of JRE
View of overall : Virtuous Ten studio (STM) is the ultimate solution for publishing Android applications. This program allows you to manage complete projects in the Android Easy to use and familiar environment
. Ten virtuous studio v3.6.30.14100 Cracked

Virtuous Ten Studio (STM) is the ultimate solution for editing Android applications. This program allows you to manage complete projects in the Android Easy to use and familiar environment.
The planned net users covering Any themer ROM devs on the gods Smali known for their impressive mods existing APKs . It is updated code Smali is one of the greatest features of VTS . You can easily decompile, modify and recompile an apk file or jar .
However , the application is limited to files of notes. You can change almost any file found inside the apk or jar .
Virtuous Ten Studio is the official successor to the very important M10Tools published in 2011 by the virtuous team. . You can easily edit any strong m10 from Sense applications to resize , modified or theme
More STM adds support for non - and repacking boot images ( of BOOT.IMG ), work previously required that's-- the Cygwin setup with dsixda 's kitchen . Since the specific implementation VTS "is the native Windows solution , one does not need Cygwin or dsixda Anymore
. VTS is designed to run on Windows , has been in development during the year and went through many stages of testing. We now think he is mature enough to that's-- eBay made ​​public.
Virtuous Ten studio made ​​many star requirements . However, the pleasant things are necessary. Let's start with the software required:
Windows Vista or later ( including Windows XP Windows
carrier is only available for a nice old
Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5 (NET version 4.0 for Windows XP)
Latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE ) (32 - bit) drivers
ADB work if you want to benefit from the integration of ADB
Even s there are no special hardware requirements , STM is much more efficient with good material Here is the list of the biggest influences .
RAM: 2 GB or more recommended
Solid State Disks (SSD) to greatly improve the overall dashboards VTS , almost all jobs will be completed quickly
: VTS can be configured to use a lot of screen real estate to display important information directly to Full HD ( 1080p) 21 " or larger screen is recommended for the best experience ( small screens work as course)
changelog . 06/03/30

configs by default better adjusted rate scenarios reflex common use
Added "Auto -Import " from the context menu entry for all projects that built the project and download again the binary file . Appropriate for the administration of Shanghai that require fresh import (eg . Debugging symbols on / off in Smali etc )
Change Configs project now invite you to go back to the project data self import reflex always the current configuration ( Think of switching between resources decoding yes / No)
update java Decompiler for better compatibility
Removed ability to cancel jobs as nothing ever CANCELLED Goals only removed them from the list , it's obvious now that you need to wait until the tasks
Finnish Added a script pre- editing while the script is being pre- execution rate performance
strange bugs fixed various errors related to system software and
paperwork Visual Editor script seems simpler now
introduced several visual cues to the editor script to help the user navigate
switching projects in the script editor now won't-- reset the script type selected, so you can easily compare the different projects script Adding
the few strong support for the manager script
configuration Manager can be opened from the ribbon bar (Even without loading projects)
introduced base SDK for writing your own custom plugins for VTS ( C #). You can find it in the STM install
More info file : HERE


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