Fleksy is a new , revolutionary keyboard , powered by patent-pending technology that
FAN Typing fast on any device , accurate and easy jump You can type
without looking
< b>
BAD beyond prediction :
power behind Fleksy is its unique technology based on geometric intelligence. Unclear ? Sloppy typing ? No. Problem ! Fleksy know what word you want to enter , even if you were all wrong letters . The patent pending technology does not just look at the letters that you press . He looks a selected and analyze your typing habits to understand the word you want to type WHERE .
There is nothing out there like Fleksy . It's powerful jump that you can type without looking at your keyboard.
With just a swipe of your finger , you can easily accomplish tasks such cum punctuation , spaces, press Return, add words to your personal dictionary and many more. The unique system of gesture maximizes Typing Typing Comfort and rightly SEXY AS easy as typing on your laptop.
Fleksy customized to meet your needs with multiple upgrade options wants your screen real estate
/ > <- . ! Adsense - > system allows a single gesture to minimize the keyboard to three lines or even use the keyboard Choose stealth to see 100% of your screen while typing accurately on your touchscreen.
Fleksy further adjust your writing style My Fleksy cover service! Teach your unique writing Fleksy by Linking your e -mail and social networks , while safeguarding and seamless synchronization across your devices style .
Fresh, fun, FAST
Track your stats and master without typing Looking through My badges ! Get all 30 badges as " invisible Master ", " Dash Swiper ", " Fleksy Bird " and " king of keyboards " for your collection
/ > Https :/ / play. . Google com . / store / apps / details id =
< b>
BAD beyond prediction :
power behind Fleksy is its unique technology based on geometric intelligence. Unclear ? Sloppy typing ? No. Problem ! Fleksy know what word you want to enter , even if you were all wrong letters . The patent pending technology does not just look at the letters that you press . He looks a selected and analyze your typing habits to understand the word you want to type WHERE .
There is nothing out there like Fleksy . It's powerful jump that you can type without looking at your keyboard.
With just a swipe of your finger , you can easily accomplish tasks such cum punctuation , spaces, press Return, add words to your personal dictionary and many more. The unique system of gesture maximizes Typing Typing Comfort and rightly SEXY AS easy as typing on your laptop.
Fleksy customized to meet your needs with multiple upgrade options wants your screen real estate
/ > <- . ! Adsense - > system allows a single gesture to minimize the keyboard to three lines or even use the keyboard Choose stealth to see 100% of your screen while typing accurately on your touchscreen.
Fleksy further adjust your writing style My Fleksy cover service! Teach your unique writing Fleksy by Linking your e -mail and social networks , while safeguarding and seamless synchronization across your devices style .
Fresh, fun, FAST
Track your stats and master without typing Looking through My badges ! Get all 30 badges as " invisible Master ", " Dash Swiper ", " Fleksy Bird " and " king of keyboards " for your collection
/ > Https :/ / play. . Google com . / store / apps / details id =
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