DW Contacts
phone is a powerful extension ( MUST HAVE ) for your actions Dialer , contacts and phone management application
It focuses on business functions . Improve the efficiency of your work
KEY FEATURES ------------
You can write a note for call
files appeal widget : long view incoming calls ( organization of shows, group , notes, group photos , edit note to call )
filter call : block incoming calls on free zones Date and time definable filtering
contact : Based on the contact group , the job title , the company contacts filtration
Statistics call : Show the duration of your call. When the end of free talk time to be notified
Quick -jump . Display a window where you can click on the first letter of your contact and quickly jump / scroll to it
Coordinates: Displays all the contact information set ( sms , call log , call Statistics events)
multi -language support (Thanks to all the enthusiastic user provides translation for DWC )
most functions are accessible by using the * LONG PRESS * ( tap and hold ) on any item or use * MENU * key
very flexible to configure the design of every view ( sort order , fonts size, color , transparency )
configurable to contact, how it should show the list (* show contacts as * / * sort order * for last name , first name , nickname, ... )
tab bars : hide sortable , include gesture switching to different views ( phone , history, favorites , contacts, search , groups , organization, titles, events , toolbox )
complete management of your contacts ( create, add , edit, delete , copy contacts , copy to another account , groups , organization, titles in single and multi - selection mode)
batch mode for mass delivery with SMS , MMS , emails on single and multi selection (contacts , groups, organizations , titles ) search contacts
by any attribute (name , nickname, phone number, organization , notes, address, email , relationships, websites , birthday, .. . )
voice search support for layered groups, sub- groups (sub-group via Business.VIP = business - > VIP ) set ringtones
select ( contacts , groups, organizations , titles )
contact event notification and contact event management ( birthday, anniversary ) single carrier and multi size lunar calendar for easy
send greetings to your contacts
events create a shortcut to home on a point of contact or a tab via toolbox
<- ! adsense -> share contacts (text, vcard ) via SMS, email, ...
display call history with summary for single or multi-select contacts, groups , organization , titles,
... dialer ( phone) with T9 search - has many options to make it exactly to your wishes
-> transmitter and keyboard expandable and adjustable in size, background color, font size can be changed
-> T9 - complete search on all contacts fields and configurable
-> line manager fast : Supports up to 1000 speed dial numbers . Dial 100 by entering # 100
-> quick dial last number :
-> The display call history on dialer
-> edit number before dialing
https:// / play. google com / store / apps / details id = com.dw.contacts
phone is a powerful extension ( MUST HAVE ) for your actions Dialer , contacts and phone management application
It focuses on business functions . Improve the efficiency of your work
KEY FEATURES ------------
You can write a note for call
files appeal widget : long view incoming calls ( organization of shows, group , notes, group photos , edit note to call )
filter call : block incoming calls on free zones Date and time definable filtering
contact : Based on the contact group , the job title , the company contacts filtration
Statistics call : Show the duration of your call. When the end of free talk time to be notified
Quick -jump . Display a window where you can click on the first letter of your contact and quickly jump / scroll to it
Coordinates: Displays all the contact information set ( sms , call log , call Statistics events)
multi -language support (Thanks to all the enthusiastic user provides translation for DWC )
most functions are accessible by using the * LONG PRESS * ( tap and hold ) on any item or use * MENU * key
very flexible to configure the design of every view ( sort order , fonts size, color , transparency )
configurable to contact, how it should show the list (* show contacts as * / * sort order * for last name , first name , nickname, ... )
tab bars : hide sortable , include gesture switching to different views ( phone , history, favorites , contacts, search , groups , organization, titles, events , toolbox )
complete management of your contacts ( create, add , edit, delete , copy contacts , copy to another account , groups , organization, titles in single and multi - selection mode)
batch mode for mass delivery with SMS , MMS , emails on single and multi selection (contacts , groups, organizations , titles ) search contacts
by any attribute (name , nickname, phone number, organization , notes, address, email , relationships, websites , birthday, .. . )
voice search support for layered groups, sub- groups (sub-group via Business.VIP = business - > VIP ) set ringtones
select ( contacts , groups, organizations , titles )
contact event notification and contact event management ( birthday, anniversary ) single carrier and multi size lunar calendar for easy
send greetings to your contacts
events create a shortcut to home on a point of contact or a tab via toolbox
<- ! adsense -> share contacts (text, vcard ) via SMS, email, ...
display call history with summary for single or multi-select contacts, groups , organization , titles,
... dialer ( phone) with T9 search - has many options to make it exactly to your wishes
-> transmitter and keyboard expandable and adjustable in size, background color, font size can be changed
-> T9 - complete search on all contacts fields and configurable
-> line manager fast : Supports up to 1000 speed dial numbers . Dial 100 by entering # 100
-> quick dial last number :
-> The display call history on dialer
-> edit number before dialing
https:// / play. google com / store / apps / details id = com.dw.contacts
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<- APK_Self_Res -> < class = ins ! "" Style = " adsbygoogle of
display: block " data -ad -client = " ca - pub - 4229110087938482 " ad -
data slot = " 2460491052 " data -ad- format = "auto" >
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