Wednesday, March 19, 2014

WiFi Manager Premium v2.8.4 apk

Find , connect, manage WiFi Networks . Improve the quality of the connection of a graphical channel radar . Discover open networks around you
WiFi Manager Premium v2.8.4 apk
WiFi Manager Premium v2.8.4 apk
Includes widgets on the home screen . One displays detailed connection info , the other lets you switch among your favorite networks with a single tap , and yet another seesaw WiFi access point
find you and spend the best network of several configured
New and improved . .
• Better graphics , including a dark color theme ;
• Assign your own descriptions and icons to individual WiFi networks - never forget that the network " XYZ1234 " is ;
• Switch between your favorite networks with a single tap by using the WiFi Network Switcher widget . It will even enable WiFi if needed
• Automatic switching between (DHCP) and static IP address dynamic ( Android Settings 2 * can not do it. ) .
Some features require that you purchase the premium pack $ 1.75, available right in the application through Google Checkout ( safe, secure )
<- adsense -> These characteristics are: . .
advanced by network options (description, icon , IP address), the network widget a tap , and two themes widgets inspired by Android 4.0
All the other - essential - features are free : the widget with detailed connection ( four sizes , two free themes ) , scanning and connecting to networks, to the list of networks , radar network signal information.
orders are processed and stored by Google and can be reactivated after a reset / flash phone or a new phone
about authorizations requested . .
"Change system settings " is needed to switch between fixed and dynamic IP addresses , if configured
" prevent phone from sleeping " is needed so you can enable automatic scanning and discover open around you
https://play. networks . ? / store / apps / details id = org.kman . WifiManager
< class = ins style " adsbygoogle " = "display <- apk_responsive_manual > : block " ad data - client = "ca - pub - 4229110087938482 " data- ad - slot = " 2460491052 " data -ad- format = "auto" >


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