Sunday, March 16, 2014

BitTorrentr PRO - Torrent App v2.18

Find torrents and download them directly to your phone or tablet , AD -FREE , with the official BitTorrent ® Pro application to Android.
BitTorrentr PRO - Torrent App v2.18
BitTorrent® Pro - Torrent App
upgrade to the AD- FREE ® the BitTorrent implementation version the inventors of the BitTorrent protocol and the developers of the # 1 torrent application in the Google Play Store * and # 1 bittorrent client on desktops worldwide **
We know you love the media - . and you do not want to be tied to your desktop to enjoy. We created this torrent Android practical application to help you get media wherever you are . And because this edition of the BitTorrent Android app is new to the game store of Google, you can upgrade to a Pro BitTorrent special introductory price
Included in Pro application .
✔ No banners
introductory price ✔ ✔
personal support of our developers . If we can not get the application to work for you , we'll refund your money
BitTorrent Android Pro application recently updated your entry reflects : we upgraded our look and added features high - required including
✔ (NEW) beautifully simple design, clean, including the unique elements
✔ Pro (NEW) Select the files in a torrent to reduce your storage footprint
✔ (NEW ) Choose the download location for files, to help you stay organized
✔ (NEW ) Choose between deleting torrents , torrent files or
✔ (NEW) Translated into Pусский , Spanish, Italian , Português do Brasil
on the way, we have improved the overall performance and stability
<- adsense -> standard features: .
✔ No speed limit and no size limit on downloads
✔ The latest technology torrenting base , constantly updated database dedicated engineers to optimize performance
Wifi -only option to save money on your mobile data plan
✔ ✔ Access licensed content from content partners BitTorrent from the get- go
✔ download torrents and magnet links
✔ downloaded more than one music file in a torrent? Play them all at once as a
playlist ✔ Subscribe to RSS
✔ Make your Android device so much fun
https://play. google com / store / apps / details id =
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