Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dementia Book of Death v1.01

dementia Book of the Dead v1.01
4.2 Overview: medieval England. Time of knights , witches and hunters. What other secrets covered by this judgment timers distraction of humanity hidden
? Dementia Book of Death v1.01

Our main character is one of the best Mercenaries " Hunters night " order. Bishop fatten him a new mission. Is it going to be as simple that's-- WOW @ him? What is in the small village on the outskirts ? This is what we will discover .
The story line will lead us on the path between Tricky and mystical realities . Our character will face ghosts and denounces instead of witches, and the kind Father Dick become the enemy instead of a friend. WOW @ In fact, it is not ready for it. And you ? Neuropathic ..
the Unity3D game engine You can feel the whole atmosphere of medieval England. You will experience the mysterious story of INCOME which depends only on you .
The game is based on the latest technologies such as Amplify color and Bloom, who highlighted the enormous level graphics . You will be charmed by the play of light and shadow. Sometimes it is difficult to speak English as it is the reality and the game
Hard Times of medieval stop waiting for you ...
More Info: . Google Play


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