Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tweetings for Twitter v5.6.0.3 Apk

Tweetings for Twitter v5.6.0.3 Apk
A beautiful Twitter client to immerse yourself in the Twitter experience. Beautiful themes , powerful and highly customizable
✓ True Push Notifications functionality - . Works over 3G or WiFi for mentions, direct messages, when you get a new follower , when you are retweeted , etc. You do not even need to open the app! We do not keep connections open Twitter on your phone that drain your battery, push our servers do all the hard work
Twitter ✓ Support multi picture
support ✓ Wear Android! Respond directly to a notification or send a new Tweet directly from your shows !
✓ Real time updates continuously, while option. Can even run in the background
✓ Beautiful user interface map and navigation drawer
✓ wonderful , rich, high-quality image previews
✓ Light, dark and hybrid themes including translucent background and navigation KitKat style
multiple accounts ✓ ✓
internal Web browser
✓ Mute users, hashtags and customers, with the official Twitter user synchronization silent and auto - expiry
✓ clickable links in the timeline and Twitlonger
✓ ✓ Tweetmarker support
customizable navigation. Put everything that is important to you to the forefront
✓ Extremely customizable!
"The most customizable Twitter client for Android ? " - Lifehacker
" This is simply one of the best Twitter clients absolute there today , period . " - MakeUseOf
" Tweetings : best Twitter app for Nexus 7 ( and perhaps any platform ) " - ZDNet Calendar
- Switch between beautiful , animated interface card and delays list style
- support for the big screen with windows
- TweetMarker Timeline cover Tweetings Sync support
- tweets stream over WiFi ... let tweets flow , no need to refresh your main deadlines again
- Manage multiple accounts
- Inline image previews
- Choice of three themes , light and dark theme , even switch automatically depending on the time of day
- background transparent optional see your wallpaper through the application ! If you KitKat you can even have the navigation and status bars transparent
- Scroll timeline using the volume keys (optional)
- time photo of the user
- Choose standard light or condensed fonts (soft candy and later )
- Translate tweets
- Shorten links with a variety of vendors , including , and
- support the
list - mute twitter users , word or applications with automatic expiration and automatically synchronize with own Twitter users
dumb - See conversations
online - Enable or disable retweets on a per-user basis
- Pull to refresh
- Multiple projects
Sending Tweets
- supports the display Twitlonger and online expansion
- Transfer pictures and , TwitPic and Yfrog
- pic.twitter com. the multiple image download support
- can be configured to automatically send tweets
failed - long tweets divided into several short
tweets - tweets Schedule: write a tweet, set a time and date and then just wait . Configure your device to send in your name or distance where your device does not even need to be turned
- Enter user name
hashtag autocomplete - Add tweets buffer (see http: / / bufferapp com)
Plus - . saved searches
- user tweeter proximity on a map
< - ! adsense -> - Local Trends
- delete your own tweets
- Publish or share son conversation using Storify
- Automatic detection of the difference in the timeline, and if it fails manually add you
gaps - gaps in the timeline loads above or below the standard position with the option to automatically fill in the gaps for you
- Multi media - window to compatible devices ( such as Galaxy Note 23 )
- photo retouching available as a free downloadable extension
- integration as an extension of DashClock
What's New

v5.6.0.3 - Fixed some crashes reported by Google Play
Tweetings for Twitter v5.6.0.3

require 4.0 and Up Size 8 MB

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Download Tweetings for Twitter v5.6.0.3 Apk


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