Monday, March 31, 2014

Cleaner Pro Android ( Clean) v2.1.2 Apk

own lightest all-in - one in Android , less than 2M bytes, less than 1M for pro version < / b>
Cleaner Pro Android ( Clean) v2.1.2 Apk
Android Cleaner Pro (Clean) v2.1.2 Apk
<- adsense -> characteristics include:
1 . App Cache clean.
2 . Running own memory , support whitelist for filtering applications.
3 . Automatic own privacy and manual multiple story 2.3 (Gingerbread) and above .
4. Adware scanner for 4 most popular mobile advertising networks.
5. App lot uninstall.
6 . Own internal memory and SD card.
7 . Battery Monitor , CPU, RAM, and internal memory using SD in real time.
8. Browse detailed hardware and OS information.
9. . No ads banner
support Languages: English, Simplified Chinese , Traditional Chinese, more is coming
https://play. google com / store / apps / . id =
? <! - Apk_responsive_manual -> < ins class = " adsbygoogle " style = "display : block " data -ad- client = "ca -pub - 4229110087938482 " data -ad- slot = " 2460491052 " data- ad - format = "auto" >


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