Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Popup Widget v1.3.6 APK

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Popup Widget v1.3.6 APK
Popup Widget v1.3.6 APK
Popup Widget v1.3.6 APK
Popup Widget v1.3.6 APK

You can create a shortcut to a widget . The widget appears with a cool animation when you click the shortcut
Popup Widget v1.3.6 APK

Popup widget
You can create a shortcut to a widget . The widget appears with a cool animation when you click on the shortcut.
However, this offers more features than ssLauncher , 20 or more skins internal background and change speed and animation.
The main advantages of using shortcut widget less memory usage launcher best performance scrolling launcher protect the contact widget miss
nobody NOTICE for New launcher bug < / b>
Popup widget supports two ways to create a shortcut. But the first way does not work on Nova, which has a bug for it. You can always create a shortcut by dragging 1x1 widget named ' widget up' the app drawer on Nova. This is the second way

What's in this version : ( Updated: December 16, 2013 ) !


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