Monday, November 18, 2013

Floating Notifications (Full) v1.61 APK Download

get notifications from any app as a floating ring so you dont need to open att app two check your notification . it will automatisk show you as floating window . just click on att window and read your full message . directly reply to message from att floating window . kan change style of floating popup window as ring , square etc. so its fully customizable .
kan ocksÄ use theme two customize the popup window for example you can use google theme two change floating ring two convert it into google icons .

ch_client = " pawneshwer " ; ch_width = 728 ; ch_height = 105 ; ch_type = " mp " ; ch_sid = " Chitika Default " ; ch_color_site_link = " 0000CC " ; ch_color_title =" 0000CC " ; ch_color_border =" FFFFFF " ; ch_color_text =" 000000 " ; ch_color_bg =" FFFFFF " ;


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