The best part of this app is a small , configurable widget up over any application and one click . RAM Boost < / b>
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most Android devices. bundle with limited memory . Android Task Manager will selectively kill low priority tasks to reserve memory for higher priority task . It is not always used , at an appropriate time , causing low sensitive applications , trolling , especially when you start a new application after much browsing Web pages. It causes a worse experience . How
RAM Booster works
RAM Booster is designed to overcome these problems by selectively kill smaller applications that are running in the background , but consumes considerable memory device .
RAM Booster comes with auto -boost in 4 levels . aggressive, strong, medium , soft
☆ aggressive : kill most applications low priority
strong ☆ Kill applications that is low priority and consume slightly below "average"
☆ mean : kill applications that consumes memory above "average"
☆ sweet : kill only applications that use memory
considerable "average" is evaluated in real time based on the performance of applications and changes over time
How to work RAM Booster
There are 5 ways to boost
☆ Auto -boost . automatically boost in RAM available synchronization conditions
☆ widget overlay - Activate widget overlay RAM Booster ( default), adjust the position of the widget, press the widget to boost when you want
☆ widget home screen - tap an increase ( long press on the home screen > Widget to add RAM Booster widget )
☆ notification bar - a valve to increase ( notification bar toggle visibility in the part of the application)
☆ Boost now - press the button on the main screen of the application
☆ Widgets , fast reboot, responsible for applications running
tool :
☆ 1 - click Cache Cleaner
There are many options to tweak settings app challenging process :
☆ boost level : select a boost level of
☆ Nice themes of your choice
<- adsense - > ☆ whitelisted applications : Applications will not be killed when stimulate
☆ Boost automatically : auto -boost , come with a minimum of RAM and increase
interval ☆ Report style define how to display reports
☆ Comments - haptic feedback when touch widget boost
☆ overlay widget position / size - Change overlay widget position / size
☆ widget cover -Change transparency level transparent / opaque
☆ OnClick / OnLongClick options for the overlay widget
kw : ram booster , memory booster , battery saver , ram manager , memory manager , push, speedy, smart battery , task killer , ATK , quick restart, tap, 1 - click to clear the cache , floating widget
https://play. google com / store / apps / details. id =
Recommended by AddictiveTips
Hotest Apps by AppBrain
most Android devices. bundle with limited memory . Android Task Manager will selectively kill low priority tasks to reserve memory for higher priority task . It is not always used , at an appropriate time , causing low sensitive applications , trolling , especially when you start a new application after much browsing Web pages. It causes a worse experience . How
RAM Booster works
RAM Booster is designed to overcome these problems by selectively kill smaller applications that are running in the background , but consumes considerable memory device .
RAM Booster comes with auto -boost in 4 levels . aggressive, strong, medium , soft
☆ aggressive : kill most applications low priority
strong ☆ Kill applications that is low priority and consume slightly below "average"
☆ mean : kill applications that consumes memory above "average"
☆ sweet : kill only applications that use memory
considerable "average" is evaluated in real time based on the performance of applications and changes over time
How to work RAM Booster
There are 5 ways to boost
☆ Auto -boost . automatically boost in RAM available synchronization conditions
☆ widget overlay - Activate widget overlay RAM Booster ( default), adjust the position of the widget, press the widget to boost when you want
☆ widget home screen - tap an increase ( long press on the home screen > Widget to add RAM Booster widget )
☆ notification bar - a valve to increase ( notification bar toggle visibility in the part of the application)
☆ Boost now - press the button on the main screen of the application
☆ Widgets , fast reboot, responsible for applications running
tool :
☆ 1 - click Cache Cleaner
There are many options to tweak settings app challenging process :
☆ boost level : select a boost level of
☆ Nice themes of your choice
<- adsense - > ☆ whitelisted applications : Applications will not be killed when stimulate
☆ Boost automatically : auto -boost , come with a minimum of RAM and increase
interval ☆ Report style define how to display reports
☆ Comments - haptic feedback when touch widget boost
☆ overlay widget position / size - Change overlay widget position / size
☆ widget cover -Change transparency level transparent / opaque
☆ OnClick / OnLongClick options for the overlay widget
kw : ram booster , memory booster , battery saver , ram manager , memory manager , push, speedy, smart battery , task killer , ATK , quick restart, tap, 1 - click to clear the cache , floating widget
https://play. google com / store / apps / details. id =
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